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    Re: Employee right to file a greivance

    Posted by Steve on 3/16/04

    On 3/16/04, Steve wrote:
    > On 3/16/04, Steve wrote:
    >> On 3/16/04, Terry wrote:
    >>> On 3/16/04, Jim wrote:
    >>>> Are Minnesota employers (employing 30 or more) required to
    >>>> have and distribute a company policy handbook to its
    >>>> employees? And, are they also required to give
    >>>> instructions to employees on how to file a formal
    >>>> greivance? What is the manadated law? Who does an employee
    >>>> report it to when the employer doesn't provided these to
    >>>> the employee?
    >>> "Are Minnesota employers (employing 30 or more) required to
    >>> have and distribute a company policy handbook to its
    >>> employees?" No. NO employer is required to have a policy
    >>> handbook, regardless of their size or what State they're in.
    >>> "And, are they also required to give instructions to
    >>> employees on how to file a formal greivance?" No.
    >>> "What is the manadated law?" There is none.
    >>> "Who does an employee report it to when the employer doesn't
    >>> provided these to the employee?" Report what to?
    >> _______________________________________________________________
    >> Jim: I would first ask what the grievance is? If it involves a
    >> matter of say gender discrimination, then you can report such
    >> to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or your state's
    >> Human Rights agaency. If it involves say a consumer report,
    >> you can file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission,
    >> though I personally find them to be a waste of time. I would
    >> suggest you contact an attorney in your area, since they will
    >> be more knowledgeable about the laws you are asking about in
    > this matter... good luck.... Steve
    >>> I would add this, I would suggest that you write out your
    grievance and submit it to your supervisor or their supervisor if
    yours is the one creating the alleged problem. Keep a copy of your
    signed grievance for your records. While the company may or may
    not be required to have a policy in place, it is doubtful that you
    could legitmately claim such as justification for not doing
    anything. In the grievance, I would also ask for a formal written
    response within say ten days and include in your grievance that you
    are unaware of any formal procedure to follow since there are no
    offical policies in place to guide employees in the right direction
    (if this is what you believe to be correct). Steve

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Jim.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Terry.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Steve.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Steve.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Steve.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/17/04, by JimV.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/17/04, by JimV.

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