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    Re: Employee right to file a greivance

    Posted by JimV on 3/17/04

    On 3/16/04, Steve wrote:
    > On 3/16/04, Steve wrote:
    >> On 3/16/04, Steve wrote:
    >>> On 3/16/04, Terry wrote:
    >>>> On 3/16/04, Jim wrote:
    >>>>> Are Minnesota employers (employing 30 or more) required to
    >>>>> have and distribute a company policy handbook to its
    >>>>> employees? And, are they also required to give
    >>>>> instructions to employees on how to file a formal
    >>>>> greivance? What is the manadated law? Who does an employee
    >>>>> report it to when the employer doesn't provided these to
    >>>>> the employee?
    >>>> "Are Minnesota employers (employing 30 or more) required to
    >>>> have and distribute a company policy handbook to its
    >>>> employees?" No. NO employer is required to have a policy
    >>>> handbook, regardless of their size or what State they're in.
    >>>> "And, are they also required to give instructions to
    >>>> employees on how to file a formal greivance?" No.
    >>>> "What is the manadated law?" There is none.
    >>>> "Who does an employee report it to when the employer doesn't
    >>>> provided these to the employee?" Report what to?
    >>> _______________________________________________________________
    >>> Jim: I would first ask what the grievance is? If it involves a
    >>> matter of say gender discrimination, then you can report such
    >>> to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or your state's
    >>> Human Rights agaency. If it involves say a consumer report,
    >>> you can file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission,
    >>> though I personally find them to be a waste of time. I would
    >>> suggest you contact an attorney in your area, since they will
    >>> be more knowledgeable about the laws you are asking about in
    >> this matter... good luck.... Steve
    >>>> I would add this, I would suggest that you write out your
    > grievance and submit it to your supervisor or their supervisor if
    > yours is the one creating the alleged problem. Keep a copy of
    > signed grievance for your records. While the company may or may
    > not be required to have a policy in place, it is doubtful that you
    > could legitmately claim such as justification for not doing
    > anything. In the grievance, I would also ask for a formal written
    > response within say ten days and include in your grievance that
    > are unaware of any formal procedure to follow since there are no
    > offical policies in place to guide employees in the right
    > (if this is what you believe to be correct). Steve

    Steve, What is your background in matters like this? Just curious..

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Jim.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Terry.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Steve.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Steve.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Steve.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/17/04, by JimV.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/17/04, by JimV.

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