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    Post: Business Leins

    Posted by Jim Miner on 4/08/04

    I have small business in NY State. I buy my products from
    a company in VT. There was a company that I used to buy
    all of my product from but they had severe management
    issues and I stopped doing business with them. We had a
    few outstanding items. I owe them a little money, but
    they say that I owe more than I do, their records are
    incorrect. They say they have sent everything to an
    attorney in NY to place a lein on my business. What does
    that mean. Will it be against my bank accounts or what?
    I do want to pay them the amount that I owe (around
    $800.00) but not until they acknowledge that the other
    amount (about $1200.00) is incorrect.(they are charging me
    for orders that we cancelled during their crisis & for one
    peice that was loaned to me this until this Spring - which
    I intend to return)(None of this is in writing however, I
    do have the invoices from the new company that provided me
    with the peices that were previously ordered from them)
    Mostly my question is what is a business lein and how do
    I fight against it, will I be notified by someone and
    given a chance to tell my side?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Business Leins, 4/08/04, by Jim Miner.
  • Re: Business Leins, 4/08/04, by Sir.

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