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    Post: Fraudulent Billing/Collections

    Posted by D. Knobel on 4/12/04

    My landlord hired a company to remediate mold, litigation
    arose between landland and myself (tentant), the company
    hired by the landlord was called as a witness and was
    subpoenaed by a judge. Company complied with subpoena and
    came to court. Now this company has charged me (the
    tenant) for his time, over $300 and has turned it over to a
    Law Firm for collect, I am being harrassed by Law Firm. I
    have reported the Law Firm to the FTC. This Law Firm is
    threating to sue me in court for these charges. No
    contract exists between me and this company hired by my
    landlord so how can they demand I pay? I have sent
    documentation to include a copy of the subpoena (signed by
    a judge) and a cease and dissist letter to the Law Firm and
    they just ignor me and continue to send letters stating
    that I pay up or they will take me to court..... Can some
    one out there help me????????
    Thank you in advance if you can!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Fraudulent Billing/Collections, 4/12/04, by D. Knobel.

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