Post: Recovery of payment FROM a licensor

Posted by Steve G. on 4/23/04
Can anyone provide info. OR links/search terms for this
type of situation:
In an RV park, I have what is called a license to use a
specific lot on a 1 yr basis ("license" automatically
renewed each year.) I had to leave 3 days into my license,
sold the trailer and the new owner paid the fee again.
Assuming the agreement is construed as a license, not a
lease, therefore outside the Statute of Frauds, can I
recover my payment? My thought is "unjust enrichment" for
the licensor.
I appreciate info, if someone can come up with appropriate
search terms that would be even better.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Recovery of payment FROM a licensor, 4/23/04, by Steve G..