Post: contract

Posted by Dawn Lee on 5/05/04
I signed a contract, which it was not explained to me at the time, I thought I was getting an estimate for a pool. I was promised finance, which would be to me satisfaction, or I did have to get the pool. I was explained any of the financing process until i received a good faith estimate in the mail, for 11 % interest for 240 @ 280.00 per month. Which was outrages for a pool I was finance for $25,000. Now they say I am binded to the contract, which I thought was an estimate for the pool. There are Terms and Conditions with a place to inital on the back that were not explained to me and were not initaled by me. Do I have any recourse to get out of this so called "contract"
Posts on this thread, including this one
- contract, 5/05/04, by Dawn Lee.