Re: EXPUNDGMENT * Kim & Calvin *
Posted by M'sta Mikey on 3/20/06
On 3/17/06, calvin arterberry wrote: > On 5/28/04, KIM LEWIS wrote: >> HELP WITH CLEARING UP RECORD HARD TO RENT WITH FELONYS ON >> RECORD IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA > im trying to optain info on getting my 9yr criminal record > expundged,can you please contact me by e-mail or by phone hm# > 972-329-6801.Thankfully: Calvin Arterberry. Even if your state has expungement statutes on the books, most, if not all, felony convictions cannot be erased, sealed or destroyed - It's with you for life! In Minnesota, that's the case, as it is in most states. Calvin, NEVER NEVER NEVER post your phone number on the web!!!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Re: EXPUNDGMENT, 3/17/06, by calvin arterberry.
- Re: EXPUNDGMENT * Kim & Calvin *, 3/20/06, by M'sta Mikey.