Post: Comm. Real Estate Purchase-backing out!

Posted by Shari on 6/05/04
I need advice, please. My husband and I started to buy a restuarant/building/property/liquor license for $325,000 in January 2004. After filling out the paperwork, paying for the inspection/appraisal/LCC/lawyer/accountant, etc. We've paid out over $8000 plus put $4000 down as a good faith deposit. After going to five different banks/lenders, no one would approve the $325,000, only $245,000--the restaurant is currently showing a loss and as far as we could find out does not have a value. The current owners refused to adjust their purchase price, so we had to back out due to the $80,000 difference. They are refusing to return the $4000 good faith deposit back to us and are insisting we take it to arbitration, but want us to pay for it. What are our legal rights? Can we take them to small claims and force them to pay for the legal fees? Why should we pay the arbitrator when they haven't met their end of the purchase agreement (which is now expired--the money is sitting in escrow with the realtor, who will not get in the middle). Before the contract expired on 5/29/04, they advertised the sale of the restuarant at $300,000. Can they legally do that? We need help and can't afford to spend any more money on this whole situation--does anyone have any advice?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Comm. Real Estate Purchase-backing out!, 6/05/04, by Shari.
- Re: Comm. Real Estate Purchase-backing out!, 6/22/04, by Michael.