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    Re: Relevance?

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. on 7/01/04

    Dear Counsel.Net Friends,

    Someone asked the relevance of my posting about the price of
    gasoline to either Counsel.Net, or to the Business Law section of
    Counsel.Net. The answer is that down here in South Louisiana we
    are right in the big middle of the oil-patch, as well as the
    stepping-off point for off-shore exploration and production. The
    higher the price of oil and gasoline go, the more exploration and
    production take place. Can't explore and produce oil without oil
    and gas lawyers to examine titles, draw leases and divison orders,
    among other things, and to litigate mineral rights. Only place to
    post such information relating to oil and gas law, as I saw it,
    was on the Business Law section of Counsel.Net. As for
    communicating with Bush about the oil and gas industry, Bush has
    roots deep in Southwest Louisiana, as his father was once
    president of Zapata-Haynie, headquartered in Cameron, the number
    one fishing port in the Nation and the mouth of the Calcasieu Ship
    Channel leading to the biggest petro-chemical complex in the
    world. Bush knows us Cajuns and listens to us. That's why we want
    him to keep lowering the price of gasoline before the election.
    As Carville would say, "It's the price of gasoline, stupid!" Bush
    sees that, and he's listening to what I told him, and that is to
    get the oil companies to lower the price of gasoline before the
    election. It dropped ten cents just last week, and continues to
    drop. Of course, once Bush wins re-election, it's pay back time
    for the oil companies; and the price of gasoline will soar to
    $3.00 a gallon in a few weeks following the election. If he does
    not get the price down, which I am sure he will, it's all over for
    him. Of course, we do not want to lose him. As I say, he listens
    to us Cajuns, for he has roots deep in Southwest Louisiana. Why
    do you think Cheney and Scalia came down here duck-hunting
    recently? Bush has been here too.


    Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    Oil and Gas Attorney
    (among other things)
    Lake Charles and New Orleans

    On 7/01/04, sharwinston wrote:
    > Mr. R. Oosta,
    > Mine was an interrogatory inquring of Mr. Parkerson why he posted
    > his political op-ed on this Business Law chatboard?
    > And, I, again, ask the question of him: What is the relevance of
    > his post to this chatboard?
    > On 7/01/04, roosta wrote:
    >> On 7/01/04, sharwinston wrote:
    >> What, if any, is the relevance of your post to this board?
    >> Madame Winston,upon reviewing the original post, I find NO
    >> claim to relevance. Just as your post makes NO claim to
    >> relevance. LOL I think OP was trying to encourage others to
    >> dialogue with the President and circumvent his having to depend
    >> on attorneys for business advice. Your objection is over----
    >> whelmed. Good Dayyyy

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Re: OIL COMPANIES TO DROP GAS PRICES, 7/01/04, by roosta.
  • Re: Relevance?, 7/01/04, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Relevance?, 7/01/04, by roosta.
  • Re: Relevance?, 7/01/04, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Relevance?, 7/01/04, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Relevance? ** There ain't none ***, 7/02/04, by Michael.
  • Re: Relevance? ** There ain't none ***, 7/02/04, by August Boudreaux.
  • Re: Relevance? ** There tain't none for cajones***, 7/02/04, by roosta.
  • Re: FUNNY! - Relevance? ** There tain't none for cajones***, 7/02/04, by Mel Steinmetz.
  • Re: FUNNY! - Relevance? ** There tain't none for cajones***, 7/02/04, by v.

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