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    Re: Relevance? ** There ain't none ***

    Posted by Michael on 7/02/04

    On 7/01/04, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote:
    > Dear Counsel.Net Friends,
    > Someone asked the relevance of my posting about the price of
    > gasoline to either Counsel.Net, or to the Business Law section of
    > Counsel.Net. The answer is that down here in South Louisiana we
    > are right in the big middle of the oil-patch, as well as the
    > stepping-off point for off-shore exploration and production. The
    > higher the price of oil and gasoline go, the more exploration and
    > production take place. Can't explore and produce oil without oil
    > and gas lawyers to examine titles, draw leases and divison orders,
    > among other things, and to litigate mineral rights. Only place to
    > post such information relating to oil and gas law, as I saw it,
    > was on the Business Law section of Counsel.Net. As for
    > communicating with Bush about the oil and gas industry, Bush has
    > roots deep in Southwest Louisiana, as his father was once
    > president of Zapata-Haynie, headquartered in Cameron, the number
    > one fishing port in the Nation and the mouth of the Calcasieu Ship
    > Channel leading to the biggest petro-chemical complex in the
    > world. Bush knows us Cajuns and listens to us. That's why we want
    > him to keep lowering the price of gasoline before the election.
    > As Carville would say, "It's the price of gasoline, stupid!" Bush
    > sees that, and he's listening to what I told him, and that is to
    > get the oil companies to lower the price of gasoline before the
    > election. It dropped ten cents just last week, and continues to
    > drop. Of course, once Bush wins re-election, it's pay back time
    > for the oil companies; and the price of gasoline will soar to
    > $3.00 a gallon in a few weeks following the election. If he does
    > not get the price down, which I am sure he will, it's all over for
    > him. Of course, we do not want to lose him. As I say, he listens
    > to us Cajuns, for he has roots deep in Southwest Louisiana. Why
    > do you think Cheney and Scalia came down here duck-hunting
    > recently? Bush has been here too.
    > Sincerely,
    > Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    > Oil and Gas Attorney
    > (among other things)
    > Lake Charles and New Orleans

    Mr. Parkerson,

    OK, let me see if I have this correct - The current price of gasoline
    is now averaging about $2.07 per gallon and Mr. Bush "got" a 10-cent
    per gallon price reduction. HOWEVER, if he is re-elected, prices are
    expected, as you stated in your post, to rise upwards to $3.00 per

    So sir, let me ask - Why would his "actions" encourage us to re-elect
    him when, in the long run, it's going to cost us? Also, why do we
    not "want to lose him"? It's obvious that this yo-yo game of oil
    prices is going to cost us MORE in the long run, especially with Bush
    in office and by him listening to you "cajuns". I fail to see the
    logic of Mr. Bush's actions or, as sharwinston stated,
    the "relevance" of your post; It's contradictory and the logic fails
    to hold water (ooops, oil).

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Re: OIL COMPANIES TO DROP GAS PRICES, 7/01/04, by roosta.
  • Re: Relevance?, 7/01/04, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Relevance?, 7/01/04, by roosta.
  • Re: Relevance?, 7/01/04, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Relevance?, 7/01/04, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Relevance? ** There ain't none ***, 7/02/04, by Michael.
  • Re: Relevance? ** There ain't none ***, 7/02/04, by August Boudreaux.
  • Re: Relevance? ** There tain't none for cajones***, 7/02/04, by roosta.
  • Re: FUNNY! - Relevance? ** There tain't none for cajones***, 7/02/04, by Mel Steinmetz.
  • Re: FUNNY! - Relevance? ** There tain't none for cajones***, 7/02/04, by v.

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