Post: Contract Fraud and Federal laws violated

Posted by Mike on 10/16/04
I need and attorney.
I am in las Vegas, Nv. My case involves credit cards and
debt collectors violations of USC Title 15 1692(g) the same
as Federal Debt collection Act Sec. 809 by the debt
I requested and affidavit from the Creditor to verify the
debt and I also rqeuested the same affidavit from the debt
collectors to validate and verify the purported debt.
Neither responded and neither provided the Requested
affidavit of validation and a lawsuit to collect the
alleged debt was filed against me in a State Court.
I presided to have the two ( 2 ) different cases Petitioned
and removed to U S District Court, however, at and Oral
Hearing the Judge said there was no Federal Question ????
and remanded both cases back to different State Courts.
I have recorded multiple Federal Laws violated by both
Plaintiffs and further while in Federal Court, Court Orders
specifically told both Plaintiffs that Rule 56 had been
invoked by me and that they both were required to provide
the Affidavit to verify their claims.
Neither Plaintiff complied with this Court Order which was
made far in advance of the Oral Hearing.
I have appealed this remand decision to the 9th US District
Court of Appeals and have been limited by the amount of
information I wanted to send to the Appeals Court by the
Local US District Court in Nevada.
Further, this local US District Court Clerks Office entered
in to my Appeal Coversheet information that is wrong and it
was not entered by me. This may effect my Apppeal ?.
There are over 35 Federal Questions and Diversity is also
cited in my Petition cite USC Title 28, 1131 and 1332 and
subparts thereof.
Further, I have legitimate Counterclaims against both
One for $ 5.5 million and against the other Plaintiff for
$ 1.8 million.
Both involve Federal Question and Diversity, additionally
covering copyrights and violations of USC Title 47 Sec 227
for the illegal use of a automated calling device that has
given me over 100 Dunning telephone calls without providing
any caller identification.
My Complaint to the FTC is evidently worthless as they
stated they only handle Class Action Suits.
I am not rich and have limited funds but I know I have a
valid case if I can only get the Courts to Administer the
laws that apply.
They are giving these Plaintiffs a free hand at violating
hundreds of laws and giving them the escape route to
additionally be freed from Federal Fines.
Further, one of the Plaintiffs Filed a False Report with
the U S Secret Service claiming I was gulty of Extortion
and Mail Fraud against The Federal Fair Debt Collection Act
and in violation of the Federal Fasle Claim Act and Against
my Constitutional Rights.
This Matter was quickly resolved with the US Secret Service
and they are peeved at the Plaintiff for not being honest
about billings they have received from me in regards my
As Stated, the key here is to get these Judges to
Administer the applicable laws and not ignore my rights as
I am currently acting in a Pro Se capacity as I cn not
afford the high retainer fees required by attorneys I have
discussed this with.
I am more than willing to SPLIT and to pay all filing fees
and even provide all printing of marterials and mailings.
To date I have recorded over 90 laws violated by these
Plaintiffs, from Contract Fraud to Federal Violations to
Banking Violations and so on.
If this matter can get to trial, a subpoena of the
Plaintiff's Journal entries will clearly show their Fraud
and violations as well.
Is there and attorney out there who can be a Bulldog and
SPLIT with me ? The Copy right violations and my State
Registered Trade Name and Mark plus my nation wide use
thereof and my personal business license are all legal and
entitle me to make charges for my business services and for
use of my valued properties.
I know I have a good case but the word " Attorney " on my
side may make these Judges and Plaintiffs attorneys wake up
and follow the laws and administer them.
Without and attorney at this point, I will be forced to
bring in the News media nationwide to call attention to
what is illegally happening in and effort to get the law to
perform as it is theoretically supposed to.
Both plaintiffs are banks and obviously they must buy off
everybody to be allowed to violate so many laws and
Constitutional rights of little people in America.
Unfortunately, can only put so much info here, hope it is
enough to draw interest from attorneys that can help me.
Are You there ?
You can contact my personal assistant Mike at 702-275-2356
to discuss all details as he also has the right and power
of attorney
to act on my behalf in all business and personal matters.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Contract Fraud and Federal laws violated, 10/16/04, by Mike.