Post: How do I get a friend out of my house??

Posted by Lisa Campbell on 10/31/04
I was looking through the internet for a answer and I saw this. Hope I am in the right spot. I have a friend who has been living in my house for 5 months. He has a serious drinking problem I thought he was over with but he apprently is not. He comes in the house drunk at least 2 times a week acting crazy and mentally abusive. And I have called the cops at least 5 times to get him out. The police say since he has been in my house for five months I just can't kick him out. Now he doesn't pay rent but gives me some money for food. We have nothing in writing. He is just a old friend I was helping until he found a place to live. The police say I can't just kick him out. He has been found laying on the streets twice and the cops keep bringing him back here. He lost his keys so he no longer can come in and out as he pleases. I live in suffolk county in NY state in a very expensive neighborhood. Where if were to pay rent it would be at least 4,000 a month to have full access to a house. He might give me a eight of that for food. Please tell me if there is anyway I can get him out of the house without getting the sheriff and starting eviction proceedings? Thank you.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- How do I get a friend out of my house??, 10/31/04, by Lisa Campbell.
- Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 10/31/04, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
- Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/01/04, by David.
- Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/01/04, by K.
- Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/01/04, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
- Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/02/04, by David.
- Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/02/04, by David.
- Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/06/04, by Ruskiegirl.