Post: In The Name Of Justice - ExOffenders and Employment Rights

Posted by Paul on 11/22/04
I am not sure I can help much, but I am trying to do what
I can to assist others who are ex-felons and the likes.
I started this for my state; however the response to it
has been on a national level. I am hoping to bring this
to the federal government and have a law enacted that
encompasses this issue our nation as a whole. From there,
maybe it will trickle down to each state to adopt and
Here is an except of what I am doing, and how you can help:
It is my hope, dream, and determination that I demonstrate
outlining the importance of returning the civil liberties
and justices of those who possess a criminal record and
are unemployed or reduced to employment lesser than their
skill set.
As an individual recently placed in this classification, I
have learned first hand what it is like to be suppressed
and alienated in my pursuit to gain meaningful employment
in my chosen career field. Worse though, is the
information I have uncovered that solidifies how this
impacts the economic growth and stability of the State,
and ultimately the country.
The harsh reality is that these individuals who have
either plead guilty, no contest or nolo contender to a
crime, has placed them in a position where they now become
reliant on the state for financial support, instead of
being a contributor to the growth of the state.
The rest is up to you...
In The Name Of Justice - ExOffenders and Employment Rights
Posts on this thread, including this one
- In The Name Of Justice - ExOffenders and Employment Rights, 11/22/04, by Paul.