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    Re: Attorney going bankrupt

    Posted by rob on 1/21/05

    I know an attorney who has filed bankruptcy twice, and he
    still has his license. he also is doing well now with

    On 1/21/05, Curmudgeon wrote:
    > The consequences should not be more dire than anything
    > you've already been through. I know of no states that will
    > revoke a license just because of a bankruptcy. The
    > exception would be if there were some shenanigans with your
    > trust account. The hardest part will be convincing the
    > trustee you should be in a Chap. 7 instead of a Chap. 13--
    > especially since the business seems to be turning profitable.
    > If you look around your community at solos with big fancy
    > offices and/or huge TV advertising budgets, you'll probably
    > find a bankruptcy somewhere in their past.
    > Just think of bankruptcy as another business planning tool.
    > Look at the airline industry and Donald Trump.
    > Give yourself the same advice you would give to a client
    > facing financial pressures.
    > On 1/21/05, John wrote:
    >> Hi,
    >> I'm a young attorney considering filing for bankruptcy. I
    >> got out of law school 4 years ago with high debt, and
    >> opened my practice. Bad luck finding referrals,
    > collection
    >> issues, etc... forced me to go through my savings from my
    >> prior profession more quickly than I thought. Now I have
    >> $60k of credit card debt, which is what I had been
    >> financing my firm with. Aside from commenting on the
    >> mistakes I've made (they are plenty, and I admit them),
    > can
    >> someone tell me how going bankrupt affects a lawyer and
    > his
    >> practice? I know I cannot discharge school debt. My
    >> practice is starting to turn a profit, but the debt level
    >> is so high that I cannot pay the rates while paying firm
    >> bills. I am a business/estate planning attorney. Will the
    >> state bar take my license? Will I lose all my clients?
    >> Will I be unable to get clients in the future? Will my
    >> referral sources dry up if they find out?
    >> Thanks
    >> John

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Attorney going bankrupt, 1/21/05, by John.
  • Re: Attorney going bankrupt, 1/21/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Attorney going bankrupt, 1/21/05, by rob.

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