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    Re: Storage Building contents sold

    Posted by Ronah on 1/24/05

    On 1/24/05, Ronah wrote:
    > Recently I was between homes and had to put everything I
    > owned into 2 storage units (same facility). I paid on time
    > the first 3 months. ON the 4th month, I honestly forgot
    > to mail my payment. I sent them a check (as usual) for the
    > month I missed and the current month. A month later, the
    > owner had a sale and sold the ENTIRE contents of BOTH
    > units! Over $50,000. worth of stuff. A few days later I
    > got a registerd letter from the owner saying I had 10 days
    > from the date of the letter to pay the insufficient check
    > that I had last written, or she would sell my stuff! She
    > said the bank said it was no good. She even mailed back
    > the check, and she had not even tried to endorse it, nor
    > had the bank stamped it insufficient. When I got my bank
    > statement, It showed I had more than enough money in my
    > account on the day she said she tried to cash it. She did
    > not post the sale in the local paper nor did she post it
    > anywhere in or around the town. And did I mention she sent
    > the letter AFTER she sold my stuff???? Is there anything
    > I can do??

    I Live In TEXAS

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Storage Building contents sold, 1/24/05, by Ronah.
  • Re: Storage Building contents sold, 1/24/05, by Ronah.
  • Re: Storage Building contents sold, 1/25/05, by roosta.

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