Re: pay for my roof?
Posted by sharwinston on 2/01/05
No. No. No. Never, never, never throw down the gauntlet. It just provokes the one at whom the gauntlet is thrown. Just say: I'm sure you'll do what you think you need to do and I'm certain I will do what I have to do. End of conversation. On 2/01/05, detroit home inspector wrote: > ... should i just tell him to sue me.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- pay for my roof???????????????, 2/01/05, by detroit home inspector.
- Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/01/05, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/01/05, by detroit home inspector.
- Re: pay for my roof?, 2/01/05, by sharwinston.
- Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by The Zephyr.
- Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by The Zephyr.
- Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by Unhappyesq.
- Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by The Zephyr.
- Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by Unhappyesq.
- Re: pay for my roof???......i don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/02/05, by detroit home inspector.
- Re: pay for my roof???......i don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/02/05, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: pay for my roof???......i don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/02/05, by Unhappyesq.
- Re: pay for my roof???......i don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/05/05, by detroit home inspector.
- Re: Matti don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/06/05, by roosta.
- Re: Matti don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/07/05, by Matt.