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    Re: pay for my roof???......i don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by Curmudgeon on 2/02/05

    The whole issue is one of full and accurate disclosure. You asked
    for an opinion based on the information you disclosed to us. We
    offered that opinion (made that decision) based on what you
    disclosed. Now, you start disclosing additional information and
    accuse us of offering poor opinions (making bad decisions).

    I hope your disclosures to your client were more complete,
    comprehensive, and cohesive than your disclosures to us.

    On 2/02/05, detroit home inspector wrote:
    > aside from defining "fair" as needing maint. or replacement in the
    > future, I said the roof was nearing the end of it's useful life,
    > said it was 15-20 years old and most roofs last 18-25 years, noted
    > signs of water leaks in the attic.
    > the buyer caimed the roof leaked shortly after closing in
    > september. he NEVER contacted me. he had the roof replaced in
    > november, paid only half the money (2,500 of a 5,000 bill) and
    > told the roofer to sue him for the rest because he did not like
    > the job.
    > THEN the buyer sent an e-mail to the local "fox 2 tv problem
    > solvers" and told them in the e-mail that I said "all was well"
    > with the roof.
    > the fox 2 problem solvers then turned the complaint over to a
    > neighborhood mediation service in january, THEY called me....the
    > buyer NEVER called me.
    > the day fox 2 problem solvers called me, i went to the buyer's
    > house...the house i inspected. he was not there, there were no
    > curtains on the front picture window. i looked in. he had the
    > place completely torn apart. he was doing a total renovation. he
    > had pulled electric permits, roof permit and a plumbing permit.
    > they added a new bathroom on the second floor, he also had cement
    > work done and never paid the cement man.
    > this 24 year old buyer/kid had run out of money and was trying to
    > get me to pay for his rehab....PS that house was in move-in
    > condition when i inspected it.
    > i spoke to the roofer that put the new roof on, he told me the
    > roof was not leaking when he replaced. I sent the roofer a copy
    > of the e-mail the buyer/kid sent to fox 2 news.
    > the buyer also told the roofer he is going to sue the seller for
    > some issue with the brick. he said it is not really a brick
    > house????
    > anyway, i agreed to meet at a mediation hearing with the
    > buyer/kid, scheduled the meeting, the kid cancelled the mediation
    > hearing because he had a meeting he had to attend at work. he is
    > a DJ.
    > I hope this changes the opinions of you lawyers a little......or
    > do you still think this buyer has a prayer.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • pay for my roof???????????????, 2/01/05, by detroit home inspector.
  • Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/01/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/01/05, by detroit home inspector.
  • Re: pay for my roof?, 2/01/05, by sharwinston.
  • Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by The Zephyr.
  • Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by The Zephyr.
  • Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by Unhappyesq.
  • Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by The Zephyr.
  • Re: pay for my roof???????????????, 2/02/05, by Unhappyesq.
  • Re: pay for my roof???......i don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/02/05, by detroit home inspector.
  • Re: pay for my roof???......i don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/02/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: pay for my roof???......i don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/02/05, by Unhappyesq.
  • Re: pay for my roof???......i don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/05/05, by detroit home inspector.
  • Re: Matti don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/06/05, by roosta.
  • Re: Matti don't THINK so!!!!!!!!!!, 2/07/05, by Matt.

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