Post: New USERRA Poster

Posted by lawguy on 3/02/05
The Labor Department has prepared (but not publicly
announced) the new mandatory military leave (USERRA)
Every employer across the US is required to post this new
USERRA poster (per the Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of
The Labor Department had until March 10, 2005 to issue it,
so maybe they're waiting for ... actually, I don't have any
idea what they're waiting for. Anyway, I've got it linked
as a free download at my AB 1825 blog.
If you are an employer – or know one – you need this USERRA
poster. You can wait for the announcement – or check out
the free link at my AB 1825 blog.
AB 1825 blog
Posts on this thread, including this one
- New USERRA Poster, 3/02/05, by lawguy.