Re: machenics lein / texas
Posted by Curmudgeon on 3/15/05
Perhaps someone can pitch in if there is some peculiarity in Texas law. The general rule is that mechanics liens expire after one year if they are not foreclosed. In other words, you can't just sit on it. You either foreclose or lose the lien. On 3/15/05, roosta wrote: > On 3/15/05, debi zerby wrote: > We are going to court March 28, 2005 > well, you have 13 days to find out if he;s right. meanwhile, > look around in this link. > > CIVIL PRACTICE & REMEDIES CODE > CHAPTER 12. LIABILITY RELATED TO A FRAUDULENT COURT RECORD OR > A FRAUDULENT LIEN OR CLAIM FILED AGAINST REAL OR PERSONAL > PROPERTY > § 12.002. LIABILITY. (a) A person may not make, > present, or use a document or other record with: > (1) knowledge that the document or other > record is a > fraudulent court record or a fraudulent lien or claim against > real > or personal property or an interest in real or personal > property; > (2) intent that the document or other record > be given > the same legal effect as a court record or document of a > court > created by or established under the constitution or laws of > this > state or the United States or another entity listed in > Section > 37.01, Penal Code, evidencing a valid lien or claim against > real or > personal property or an interest in real or personal > property; and > (3) intent to cause another person to > suffer: > (A) physical > injury; > > (B) financial injury; > or > (C) mental anguish or emotional > distress. > (b) A person who violates Subsection (a) is liable > to each > injured person for: > (1) the greater > of: > (A) $10,000; > or > (B) the actual damages caused by the > violation; > (2) court > costs; > > (3) reasonable attorney's fees; > and > (4) exemplary damages in an amount > determined by the > court.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- machenics lein / texas, 3/15/05, by debi zerby.
- Re: machenics lein / texas, 3/15/05, by roosta.
- Re: machenics lein / texas, 3/15/05, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: machenics lein / texas, 3/15/05, by roosta.
- Re: machenics lein / texas Roo, 3/15/05, by v.
- Re: machenics lein / texas Roo, 3/15/05, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: machenics lein / texas Roo, 3/15/05, by Curmudgeon---Don't Open My Last Post.
- Re: machenics lein / Time out for Mudge, 3/15/05, by v.
- Re: machenics lein last post, 3/15/05, by roosta.
- Re: machenics lein last post Roo, 3/15/05, by v.
- Re: machenics lein last post Roo, 3/16/05, by Michael.
- Re: machenics lein last post Mikey, 3/16/05, by roosta.
- Re: machenics lein last post Roo, 3/16/05, by Michael.
- Re: machenics lein last post Roo, 3/16/05, by v.
- Re: machenics lein last post V, 3/17/05, by Michael.