Post: Right to cure law

Posted by Kal on 5/12/05
I live in SC and my auto was financed through a bank in TX. I have fallen behind on my payments and have tried keeping the bank up to date on my situation. I will have all the money in 2 weeks. However, today they demanded payment and said that if they didnt have at least half of past due tomorrow they would pick the car up on Sat. Can they do this? I have not received any letters of demand for payment and someone told me about something called right to cure. I havent received anything from the bank except for 1 past due notice and that was on last months statement. Dont want to lose my car, but no way can I have what they want by tomorrow. PLEASE ADVISE IF YOU CAN. TKS
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Right to cure law, 5/12/05, by Kal.