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    Post: Corporation Sub S owners dispute re. pay

    Posted by Jl Evans on 5/13/05

    We need help. My husband and I are equal shareholders in a
    business with another couple.

    The wife of the other shareholder worked for the company
    thru 1/05 at which time she was being paid a week salary.
    After she left because I suggested that we terminate the
    relationship, she wanted the salary to continue. She bases
    this own, we own 50% and should be paid equal to what I am
    paid until she decides it should stop whether she
    contributes to its continuance or not. She said, I should
    find the money to pay her no matter what including paying
    her out of 941 tax dollars.

    My question, how would such hold in court. We really do
    not have the money to pay her unless we default on our
    taxes. She has in no way contributed to generating the
    income. This has been done by my husband and I and the
    other staff.

    For some reason, she believes if she owns 25% of the
    shares, she is entitled to whatever until.... Is she
    thinking of a partnership perhaps?


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Corporation Sub S owners dispute re. pay, 5/13/05, by Jl Evans.

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