Post: New I-9 form (employment eligibility verification)

Posted by lawguy on 6/16/05
so, the DHS issued a new I-9 form (apparently on 5-31) but
didn't tell anyone about it. i mean, i've got a google-news
request for everything with "I-9 form" yet i've failed to
find any publicity, but i guess secrecy is a big deal to
the DHS.
in fact, their site still has details about the old INS I-9
form and says they haven't released a new form yet.
what's up with that? every employer in the country needs
the form....
i've got a link to the new form on my blog, if anyone want
a copy of the new I-9.
the new form says you can use the old I-9s through the end
of 2005.
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Posts on this thread, including this one
- New I-9 form (employment eligibility verification), 6/16/05, by lawguy.
- Re: New I-9 form (employment eligibility verification), 5/22/06, by David.