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    Re: Insurance....yes or no

    Posted by v on 9/22/05

    Matt: No one said you are nuts. Slow down, re-read that post.

    On 9/22/05, Guess Who wrote:
    > Dear Mr. Know-It-All
    > Why are you posting this information if you have it
    > ALL-Figured-Out? If you think you know the system that well,
    > then good for you! Think your nuts? No, but you might be
    > crying one day because you have lot it all.
    > On 9/21/05, Matt wrote:
    >> I own a home inspection company.
    >> After my insurance company raised my errors and omissions
    >> insurance 20 percent when I had NO claims, I dropped them.
    >> For my 3,000 dollar yearly premium I got arbitration from
    >> my insurance company. I still have an arbitration clause
    >> in my inspection contract. The arb USED to be done by my
    >> insurance company. Well, now I have arb done by the BBB
    >> in my agreement. This costs 600 dollars per year.
    >> I have been reading on the web about arbitration companies
    >> being declared (sp) unfair and allowing clients to sue
    >> anyway. My old insurance company used an arb company
    >> who's owner was a disbarred lawyer. He was stealing from
    >> clients, neglecting clients from what I have read.
    >> I have never been sued. I have sued other people. The
    >> first thing the lawyers want to know is the
    >> they have a case. The second thing they want to know
    >> insurance, no lawsuit because they know that even if they
    >> do win....without insurance, they may never see a dime.
    >> In Michigan, doctors to not have to carry malpractice
    >> insurance. Neither are home inspectors.
    >> I just rely on BBB arb clause in my inspection agreement
    >> to protect me along with my LLC.
    >> Now you lawyers tell me why I am nuts.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Insurance....yes or no, 9/21/05, by Matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by Guess Who .
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by v.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by Matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by d.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by Guess Who.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/23/05, by matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/24/05, by Guess Who.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/24/05, by matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by Who Cares.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by Who Cares.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by Who Cares.

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