Re: Insurance....yes or no
Posted by matt on 9/24/05
my arb clause limits damages to 1,000 dollars...we are allowed to do that in Michigan. I also protect my assets about 9 other ways. Lawyers love insurance because it is a guaranteed pay check. A lawyer once won a suit against a home inspector but the insuracne company would not pay the claim because the home inspector never told the insurance company about the lawsuit, didn't even show up in court. The winning lawyer tried to get his own judgement set aside to inform the insurance he could retry the case. He didn't even go after the home inspector, he was only interested in the insuracne company. That story was told to me by a lawyer. Lawyers want a guaranteed paycheck, you know that as well as I do. are you even a lawyer? did you read the article I posted that stated a judge set aside the arb clause and allowed the plaintiff to sue anyway??????
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Insurance....yes or no, 9/21/05, by Matt.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by Guess Who .
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by v.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by Matt.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by d.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by Guess Who.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by matt.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/23/05, by matt.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/24/05, by Guess Who.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/24/05, by matt.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by Who Cares.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by Who Cares.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by matt.
- Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by Who Cares.