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    Re: Insurance....yes or no

    Posted by Who Cares on 9/25/05

    ...because he is ALWAYS bring in money. However, to answer you
    question, NO there are self-insurers who pay out money to plaintiff
    attorneys. For some reason, you can not see beyond insurance.

    On 9/25/05, Who Cares wrote:
    > Dear Mr. Know-It-All
    > Why are you sooo sassy mouth about attorneys? Did you read my post
    > earlier? There are attorneys who get paid without insurance. Now -
    > let's think - How do you think a defense attorney gets paid? by
    > insurance? NO. By his or her good looks? NO. By luck? No. It is
    > by the person who hires them for their defense. Getting a paycheck
    > whenever the case is being worked on. The defense attorney isn't on
    > a contingency fee. However, most NOT all plaintiff attorneys are on
    > a contingency fee. Whereas, most business persons are making the
    > defense attorneys VERY happy attorneys. So, whenever you are being
    > sued your attorney is a very happy attorney. Why? Because he is WAY
    > being in money. However, to answer your question, NO, there are self-
    > insurers who pay out money to plaintiff attorneys. For some reason,
    > you cannot see beyond insurance.
    > On 9/24/05, matt wrote:
    >> my arb clause limits damages to 1,000 dollars...we are allowed to
    >> do that in Michigan.
    >> I also protect my assets about 9 other ways.
    >> Lawyers love insurance because it is a guaranteed pay check.
    >> A lawyer once won a suit against a home inspector but the
    >> insuracne company would not pay the claim because the home
    >> inspector never told the insurance company about the lawsuit,
    >> didn't even show up in court. The winning lawyer tried to get his
    >> own judgement set aside to inform the insurance he
    >> could retry the case. He didn't even go after the home inspector,
    >> he was only interested in the insuracne company. That story was
    >> told to me by a lawyer.
    >> Lawyers want a guaranteed paycheck, you know that as well as I do.
    >> are you even a lawyer? did you read the article I posted that
    >> stated a judge set aside the arb clause and allowed the plaintiff
    >> to sue anyway??????

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Insurance....yes or no, 9/21/05, by Matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by Guess Who .
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by v.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by Matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by d.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by Guess Who.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/22/05, by matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/23/05, by matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/24/05, by Guess Who.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/24/05, by matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by Who Cares.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by Who Cares.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by matt.
  • Re: Insurance....yes or no, 9/25/05, by Who Cares.

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