Post: Business Lease

Posted by Richard on 9/29/05
I have been renting a building for 2 years, and my lease is up in February. However, my landlord has been talking about selling the building and possibly rebuilding in another location. In fact, he is already working with a realtor and the realtor has already placed for sale signs on the property. These actions have made me pretty nervous since I will eventually need to find another place for my shop. I have been offered a new place that will become available October the 1st, but my landlord will not let me out of my lease. In addition to uncertainties that this situation causes, the signs have caused people to think that I知 actually going out of business. Is there anything that I can do, or must I simply wait until February and hope that I知 able to find a new place? I知 thinking that at the very lease, I can require him to let me stay in his building until February容ven if he finds a buyer before then. That is unless he buys out the lease from me. Right? But I truly would rather make the move while I know for sure that I have a place to go. Thank you.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Business Lease , 9/29/05, by Richard.
- Re: Business Lease , 9/29/05, by 00.