Re: bankrupcy13 and workman comp settlements
Posted by Me and ONLY Me on 10/01/05
Mr. Curious
First of all, you need to tell your bankrupcy attorney the
true facts about your workers' comp. settlement check you
have cashed and where the monies are hidden.
In a Chapter 13 - Individual with Regular Income -
requirement is ordinarily satisfied with a salary or wages,
but IT CAN BE SATISFIED WITH regular interest income, regular
income from a business, rental income, a pension, trust
income, social security benefits, or walfare benefits.
Although, the key is whether it CONSTITUTES regular, stable
income to the debtor. So your attorney will research the
issues that are involved with this workers' comp.
Again, stopping playing attorney, and tell your attorney the
true facts. You have hired him to research this issue.
On 9/30/05, J. Borders wrote:
> Can a person keep a workman comp settlement after they file
> a bankrupcy Chapter 13? Do they have to give the funds
> to the bankrupcy Trustee court? What if they cash the
> check and don't give it to the Trustee?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- bankrupcy13 and workman comp settlements, 9/30/05, by J. Borders.
- Re: bankrupcy13 and workman comp settlements, 10/01/05, by Me and ONLY Me.