Re: construction Arbitration Services
Posted by Homeowner on 11/20/06
On 11/20/06, Homeowner wrote:
> On 9/05/06, Homeowner wrote:
>> Most homeowners are told by the FTC that houses do not fall under MMWA
>> because they are not a product. A manufactured home, on the other
>> hand, is. I have read cases where people were able to use MMWA in
>> disputes about manufactured/mobile homes. If anyone has a case or
>> statute where it says MMWA applies to a (non-manufactured/mobile)
>> house please post it. I suspect that in SOME cases lawyers have been
>> able to argue it applies, but overall i have seen that it doesn't.
>> Would love to be proven wrong on this.
>>> Also Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act! Contact FTC to file COMPLAINT: 877
>>> 382 4357 or go to:
>>> Wake up America...tell everyone you know NOT to accept any Home
>>> Warranty with Binding Arbitration. Of cource, your builder will not
>>> tell you disputes require Binding Arbitration...only shoddy builders
>>> who build to MINIMUM standards offer them...! These warranties are
>>> usually presented as a "GIFT" from your builder! NEVER accept a 2-
Unfortunately no buyer knows what they signing. I am not sure if all
builders give the warranty book after the closing or it is just my builder
who practices this. In my case the registration for limit of liability with
false statement that the buyer received, reviewed and understood the
warranty was sign on the date of closing and the warranty book was deliver
month after the closing. The registration form also included binding
arbitration clause not just for warranty disputes but also to protect the
builder from potential unfair trade practices.
So how is this legal to obtain signature for false statements and be able
to incude binding arbitration at the same time...? If any of us will do
something like that we would end up in jail in no time. Is anybody finally
be able to hold bulders accontable for their unfair trade practices or it
is going to take years and victims to change anything!
Please sign this petition.
Because Builders Owe a Duty Beyond Cashing Your Checks
Request for a Congressional hearing concerning accountability of the home