Re: construction Arbitration Services
Posted by Edina Realty on 2/06/10
CAS is alive and well in Minnesota, corrupted as ever (we must have complete
idiots in the Attorney Generals office). Now that they are out of the
construction business, CAS is currently owned by the big real estate
In our case, we purchased a home in 2004 through Edina Realty. 2 years
later, when trying to sell the house, we discovered that the home was
actually 600 sq ft smaller that Edina Realty had listed in the MLS. An
independant appraisor estimated we lost about $40K due to the sq ft
difference. We were amazed that in the arbitration hearing Richard Beens
ignored all of our evidence and ruled in favor of his good buddy from Edina
Realty. He did not even try to hide his cozy relationship with their
attorney, Standford Hill
Lessons Learned: 1) Do not use Edina Realty. They own the Twin Cities and
they have an army of lawyers whose sole purpose is to run you over 2) If you
have a case coming before the highly-corrupted CAS, drop it, they have
already been bought by the likes of Edina Realty and you cannot get justice.