Re: construction Arbitration Services
Posted by anti-Edina Realty on 2/07/10
On 2/07/10, Eric Kohnke wrote:
> My wife and I were also victims of CAS. Our ruling is allowed to passed
> around and we do not have a gag order so if anyone out there is interested in
> reading a ruling from the most unethical company we have dealt with please
> leave a note. In our case the attorney who heard the case who is licensed in
> Minnesota agreed with my wife and I that we were not given the private sewer
> disclosure form and he also agreed that the agent from Real Estate Masters
> lied on the MLS by listing the home as a four bedroom home. It was only three
> and at the hearing she told the attorney that she listed it as a four bedroom
> to get interest in the home. The attorney for the broker called two days
> before the hearing offering a settlement of $12,000 which with hindsight we
> should have taken it. He told us that we could settle for $12,000 with the
> broker because he was not the attorney for the sellers. He also told us we
> could take the $12,000 and still ask for the full $23,000 from the sellers
> giving us a total of $39,000 if we happen to win the case against the
> sellers. I told him no thanks because it was not teh sellers fault the agent
> withheld important documents. Needless to say the three year old septic
> system did not have a drainfield the first spring we were in the house the
> of who it is with. All of them horrible.
> We also filed a complaint with the Minnesota Association of Realtors and they
> blamed me for filing the complaint to late. We also filed a complaint with
> the Department of Commerce over two years ago and never heard back. So if you
> want to know how the housing market became the way it is and how Madoff and
> Petters got away with ponzi schemes so long blame the government.
We also filed a complaint with MN Assoc of Realtors, but if anyone believes they
would confront the likes of Edina Realty I've got a property to sell you - of
course it will be 600 sq ft less than the fabrications Edina Realty put on the
Another lesson learned: you are correct, do NOT sign an arbitration agreement,
you will end up with CAS and you have no chance. The very cozy relationships
between the realtors and CAS, with the state government's full blessing, assure
that us common folk will be robbed.
Might as well throw in another: Edina Realty, because they are so big, can often
get you into a dual broker situation where the seller and buyer are represented
by ER. If you are a buyer, do NOT do that either, as ER has gotten into legal
hot water over this issue years ago - see my blog for details - and there is then
little incentive for the buyer's agent to look out for the buyer.
I am doing research on the legal problems ER has had in the past - most folks who
have issues with them do not have the resources to take them on, and even if they
do, the case goes to CAS, where the homeowner has no chance. There is no justice
in the arbitration system whatsoever, but I will try to get all the information I
can and post it on my website. Also on that site, I'll put the full details of
what Edina Realty and CAS's Richard Beens did to us.