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    Re: Chapter 13 New provision

    Posted by Reg on 10/19/05


    Thanks for responding but, you neglected to answer my
    question! I'm well aware of the fact that a vehicle will
    depreciate by 2-4K the moment it leaves the lot. That's not
    what I asked. You say that children are a blessing from God,
    but if you know God, then you know that the only true and
    supreme judge is him, NOT you!!! I'm a grown man and I do NOT
    need a lecture from you or anyone else!!! I came to this
    sight to ask a legal question in which you did NOT answer. You
    proceeded to give your personal opinions on myself and my
    children. Mr. Derek, in the future if you decide to post a
    response to someones question, please stick to the question
    asked and leave your personal, judgemental opinions to
    yourself!!! Have a great evening!


    On 10/19/05, Derek wrote:
    > The Bankruptcy Courts and the Dealerships know that cars
    > devaluate tremendously and it will always be that the
    > ammount you owe will be greater than the value of a car,
    > think about it, if you drive a brand new car off the
    > Dealership it will depreciate tremendously right there and
    > then
    > I am not judging you but...
    > Did you thought about how you were not going to be able to
    > make any more payments and to fit all your family in one car
    > before your wife became pregnant?
    > It's hard to believe that if you cannot afford to make
    > payments on your car how can you afford to have so many
    > children? and don't take me wrong, because children are a
    > blessing from God, but at the same time they are the only
    > ones that suffer your financial troubles, I hope in the near
    > future you become more responsible, because your little ones
    > will be the only ones that will suffer
    > Derek
    > On 10/19/05, Reg wrote:
    >> This is a very, very sticky situation. I have a 2004
    > Chevy
    >> Impala that I'm upside down on the lien by around
    >> $8,000.00. My wife and I are having another child. The
    >> 2004 Chevy only holds 5 people. My wife and I sit up
    >> front. My daughter and my two sons sit in the back. With
    >> this child that my wife is about to have will make 6 for
    >> our family. My wife is not working and I am the only
    >> person that works for now. Anyway, we needed another
    >> vehicle that will accomadate the soon to be 6 people in
    > our
    >> family. We tried to trade in the Chevy in, but no one was
    >> willing to take the vehicle because of what we owed vs.
    >> what the vehicle is worth the difference is too much and
    >> they would have to tack on the difference to the new
    >> vihicle. So in essence I'd be paying around $700/ month
    >> for a mediocre vehicle. So we still have the chevy as
    > well
    >> as the vehicle that is now going to accomadate the growing
    >> family. I need to get rid of the vehicle because I can't
    >> afford both vehicles by myself and I don't want it repoed
    >> because I know the reprucussions. The old Chapter 13
    > would
    >> have been excellent for this type of situation. Under the
    >> new Chapter 13 laws it states that instead of using what
    >> the vehicle is actually worth and paying that back you
    > have
    >> to pay back the total amount of the loan even if it's way
    >> more than what the vehicle is worth. Is their anything I
    >> can do under the new Chapter 13 laws that would help my
    >> situation? At this point, I am lost and I don't know what
    >> to do. If and when they take it back should I file a
    >> chapter 7 on the now unsecured amount? Once they sell it
    >> at auction and get a fraction of what I owe I'm still
    > going
    >> to owe the remaining balace. Finally, can they garnish my
    >> wages if it's repoed? Please help!!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Chapter 13 New provision, 10/19/05, by Reg.
  • Re: Chapter 13 New provision, 10/19/05, by Dave.
  • Re: Chapter 13 New provision, 10/19/05, by Reg.
  • Re: Chapter 13 New provision, 10/19/05, by Derek.
  • Re: Chapter 13 New provision, 10/19/05, by Reg.
  • Re: Chapter 13 New provision, 10/19/05, by Reg.
  • Re: Chapter 13 New provision, 10/19/05, by Reg.
  • Re: Chapter 13 New provision homework, 10/20/05, by Prairie Dawg.

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