Post: Illegal Non Profit Special Meeting /Legal Defense

Posted by Colleen on 11/06/06
I am a Director for a Non Profit. After a recent meeting I discovered that a Special Meeting by the Executive Board took place (not posted properly or at all for that matter). Since then some activities of Executive Board members have resulted in a request to resign due to illegal acts of this board member. Not only is the request being ignored, the Executive Board has hired a law firm to fight these individuals illegal acts. Is this legal? These illegal acts subject the Non Profit to a minimum of $150,000 per offense and there are 7 or 8 of these offenses found. How should the Non profit proceed when it tries to cover up and not hold board members accountable for illegal acts. Fudiciary duties and Sarbain & Oxley guidelines have been adopted but still this misconduct continues.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Illegal Non Profit Special Meeting /Legal Defense, 11/06/06, by Colleen.