Post: city code enforcement

Posted by Brad Gibson on 4/15/07
Had trouble with person before they became a City code enforcement officer, and they are now using their position to exact revenge on several of us. She is now stating that a wall in my front yard, was just built in the last year. the wall as built over 10 years ago, and I can prove this with pictures taken during sewer construction. I spite of this, the city code dept., notified me that they would make a decision in 4 to 6 weeks, whether or not I would have to tear it down. When this wall was built it was built acording to a city inspecters instuctions. Also, I have a city engineer who lives three houses from me, who will not tell his employers that the fence has been there for over ten years because he is afraid of losing his job. What can I do ?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- city code enforcement, 4/15/07, by Brad Gibson.