Re: Got fired and employer said my check is going towards ex
Posted by Mike on 12/14/07
You should sue thru your state labor board's wage and hour division. Employers can only deduct for FICA, social secuity and state tax deductions mandated by your state. Any authorised decductions you allow(in writing) can be deducted Mike > im an elec. service tech. just got fired today. > > went to a emergency call on saturday for a circut breaker > panel problem. needed a new main breaker. contacted boss > on situation. he told me that since it was saturday that > there was nothing we could do until monday and to inform > homeowner. which i did. on tuesday the boss's call me > into the office and said that the panel caught fire on > monday sometime. when i was in the process of telling them > that i did what i was told, they told me i was fired. > then said that they gave the homeowners there money back > and had to pay a differnet company to replace the panel, > and said that it was coming out of my check. > > is this legal??? i live in florida > > thanks for your help.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Got fired and employer said my check is going towards expens, 8/28/07, by Jon Coop.
- Re: Got fired and employer said my check is going towards ex, 12/14/07, by Mike.
- Re: Got fired and employer said my check is going towards ex, 12/14/07, by Mike.