Post: Got fired and employer said my check is going towards expens

Posted by Jon Coop on 8/28/07
im an elec. service tech. just got fired today. went to a emergency call on saturday for a circut breaker panel problem. needed a new main breaker. contacted boss on situation. he told me that since it was saturday that there was nothing we could do until monday and to inform homeowner. which i did. on tuesday the boss's call me into the office and said that the panel caught fire on monday sometime. when i was in the process of telling them that i did what i was told, they told me i was fired. then said that they gave the homeowners there money back and had to pay a differnet company to replace the panel, and said that it was coming out of my check. is this legal??? i live in florida thanks for your help.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Got fired and employer said my check is going towards expens, 8/28/07, by Jon Coop.
- Re: Got fired and employer said my check is going towards ex, 12/14/07, by Mike.
- Re: Got fired and employer said my check is going towards ex, 12/14/07, by Mike.