Post: Daughters employment

Posted by Mike on 9/01/07
My daughter has been working at a radio shack while going to school. Her boyfriend who was fired from his job got her to help him get on at her store. She did. The manager who hired him was aware of their dating relationship. He told them when he hired him that neither of them could ever promote to a position over the other that their policy of employees not dating only applied to management or supervisory employees but also told them to keep it quiet and not tell the manager that was taking over the store. My wife and I feel this was an innappropriate decision to hire her boyfriend by a young nieve manager. We feel that the manager has stifeled our daughters future with the store. We do not wish to sue but would like to know if our thoughts are justified and what remedies might we pursue.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Daughters employment, 9/01/07, by Mike.