Post: Is Arbitration Legal?

Posted by I found the light on 9/30/07
First, check and see if your Purchase Agreement was singed within the proper time period. Big Companies sit on Agreements, and don't sign on time. Second, go to: Third, request the Attorney General of Oregon and Texas to file perjury charges against Lippman, for giving false informantion on his Affidavit of February 11, 2003. Lippman states in his Affidavit, "He is a Attorney admitted to practice befor the Courts in the Distric of Columbia" Only problem is, he was disbarred in D.C. on September 26, 2002. Bar Docket No. 240-01. D.C. Court of Appeals No. 01-BG-921. September 12, 2002 His Disbarrment in the State of New York Lippman, 661 N.Y.S.2d 195 (N.Y. App. Div. 1997)
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- Is Arbitration Legal?, 9/30/07, by I found the light.