Post: Municipal Incorporation Question

Posted by Greg on 5/27/10
Good evening. I am not sure if I am in the right forum, I
did not see anything pertaining to municipal law, but I am
hoping that someone could answer my question or lead me to
where I could get it answered.
I need to know that if an unincorporated community in
Arizona started a municipal incorporation movement and
they went to the surrounding towns that are within 6 feet
of their proposed borders (per AZ) law and one town would
not grant the incorporation committee the resolution
needed to get incorporation on the ballot, would that town
then have to annex the community asking to be incorporated?
I was told this was true, but can not seem to find
anything regarding this. Would someone please help me here.
Thank you very much. I look forward to your answers.
Regards, Greg
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Municipal Incorporation Question, 5/27/10, by Greg.