Re: where are the DL Law School Graduates? say hello
Posted by movia carroll on 12/17/05
Hello to you all. This is my first time on the site. I am in Jamaica but eventually hope to reside in the USA within the next few years. Having had an interest in pursuing Law since my teens, I plan to enroll with a DL Law School now and wish to hear from ALL you DL Graduates out there as to how did you fare out, challenges faced. I need some morale support!!!!! I was thinking of applying to SCUPS or BRit Ameri but then I just saw WCSL 2 days ago and the cost seems more affordable for me and if they will all get me to the same final destination, then why not WCSL??? Any WCSL Grads out there?? HELP!!! Any other grads?? Movia My email address is > On 10/24/05, Bob R (webmaster) wrote: > Welcome to the Law Clerk Chatboard. This chatboard is > dedicated to discussions about Law Clerks and law student > jobs. Law students are encouraged to bookmark and > participate freely on this forum.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Welcome to the Law Clerk Chatboard!, 10/24/05, by Bob R (webmaster).
- Re: where are the DL Law School Graduates? say hello, 12/17/05, by movia carroll.
- Re: Questions to ask another law clerk who is employed?, 3/03/06, by Irokansi Ayaya C. Worenwu.
- Re: where are the DL Law School Graduates? say hello, 2/10/13, by Frank.
- Re: where are the DL Law School Graduates? say hello, 2/10/13, by Frank.
- Re: where are the DL Law School Graduates? say hello, 2/10/13, by Frank.
- Re: where are the DL Law School Graduates? say hello, 2/10/13, by Frank.