Post: New Book: Law and Human Behavior

Posted by Scott Fruehwald on 8/20/11
Law and Human Behavior: A Study in Behavioral Biology,
Neuroscience, and the Law by Edwin Scott Fruehwald
Vandeplas 2011)at
Behavioral-Neuroscience/dp/160042144X .
Behavioral biology and neuroscience are the next frontiers
for legal thought. In the next few years, behavioral
biology and neuroscience will become as important for the
analysis of law as economics has been for the last several
decades. In this book (Vandeplas 2011), Professor Fruehwald
presents the general principles of behavioral biology and
neuroscience, then he applies these principles to topics in
the law. He believes that there was a nascent legal system
on the savannah, where innate behavioral rules were
enforced by devices such as force, reputation, and
ostracism. Among the topics he explores are the use of
behavioral biology and neuroscience to critique postmodern
legal thought, reciprocal altruism as the basis for
contract, a biological basis of rights, and how behavioral
biology can be used to analyze constitutional cases. He
concludes by showing why it is important to base law on a
correct view of human nature.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- New Book: Law and Human Behavior, 8/20/11, by Scott Fruehwald.