Post: Termination of Lease

Posted by Trice on 6/22/07
I rented a property in 12/05 until 2/28/07. Initially when I went into the property I was on a rental assistance program. In the course of renting the property I was promoted on my job, deeming me ineligible for the assistance. I then had to paid full rent out of pocket which was too much for me. I notified my landlord in January of 2007 to let him know I was no longer on the program and could not afford to pay full rent. I explained to him that I would vacate the premises on 1/31/07. He told me it was not enough notice for him. Out of fairness, I said to my landlord, "Okay, if this is not enough notice I will rent another month." On 02/28/07, I vacated the premises and met with him on 03/01/07 to surrender the keys and walk through the property. When I arrive to meet him at the property he was there with another young lady who wanted to rent the property. Two days later he rented the property to this lady. The lease agreement between him and the new tenant is dated 3/03/07. When I asked him about it, he stated, he signed the lease for March but she was not due any rent until April. He stated, I did not give in my termination in writting therefore he was due rent for the month of March or until he found a renter and forfeited my $500.00 deposit. Do I have any legal grounds in the scenario? Please inform!!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Termination of Lease, 6/22/07, by Trice.