Post: impact development fees
Posted by John on 7/02/07
I am not sure if I am asking in the right area, if not please point me in the right direction, if I am, please help.. I lived in an unincorporated area in the fastest growing counties in the U.S. the county finally started cgarging the builders impact fees. They can noot ask from several of the developers due to past agreements with the old county manager(who is in prison for stealing almost $700,000.00 from a fund to build roads and other infrastructure items. We are currently working on incorporating our area into a city. We would need to implement am impact fee for the city. Can we as a new city require those that the county can't get impact fees from to pay these fees to the city? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- impact development fees, 7/02/07, by John.