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    Post: geneology report

    Posted by Andy Turner on 8/29/10

    A family member who needed money, offered to do my father's
    genealogy for $15/hr. Motivated to help her financially (I
    only have a very mild interest in genealogy), we agreed she
    should do the report. I did not set a $ limit as I knew
    average reports run about $1,000 and even if she spent 100
    hours(which in my mind w/b extreme) on the report, it w/b
    $1,500 as a high number. Plus she is my cousin and I
    trusted her to not take advantage of my offer.
    After several months she sent me an enormous box with 5
    giant binders it, with her hours carefully itemized on a
    handwritten invoice for $9,000.
    Obviously in retrospect I should have set a limit. I feel
    though this is unfair as I did not want or ask for
    a 'massive' (her own words on the invoice) report, and
    would be more than happy to send it all back to her. I
    (rather generously) offered a compromise payment of $5k but
    she still wants $9k.
    Additionally this cousin's mother just said the cousin was
    desperate for money, which I believe as I had recently
    loaned her $2,400 of which she still owes $1,800.
    When there is just a verbal agreement with no specific
    paramenters given and she did 'deliver' her product, isn't
    there still a concept of 'normal
    fulfillment/expectations'? If a service goes overboard,
    are customers expected to fully pay?
    Thank you for your time.
    Sadly it's hurting our family relations. I want to do the
    right thing.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • geneology report , 8/29/10, by Andy Turner.

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