Post: Not returning security deposit, never leased the house

Posted by Jillian on 8/27/11
We paid a security deposit to hold a rental house. I signed
a pre lease agreement that said that if we didn't rent the
house, the security deposit would be given to the landlord
for damages of holding the house for us.
They emailed us yesterday and increased the rent from what
they originally verbally told us. When we said that we did
not agree with this new rent, they told us that they did
not want to rent to us anymore. They said that this was the
original price, even though it was not.
They also said that they were keeping the security deposit.
We never signed a lease.
Can they do this? They are the ones that backed out, not
us. It doesn't seem fair that they lied and changed the
verbal agreement and get to keep our money because it was
their decision to back out....
We are renting in Colorado.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Not returning security deposit, never leased the house, 8/27/11, by Jillian.