Post: Did a banner exchange, now Getty is fining me?

Posted by Mike A on 12/12/08
Hoping for some insight. I did a banner exchange with a company...the very common, if I put their banner on my site, they will allow me to be in their directory. I did this thinking...a little exposure, great! Well, not so great, I got a registered letter from Getty Images saying they found an image on my site that wasn't licensed to me. Well the image in question was the one used on the banner that right on the banner said the other companies name. Am I really liable in this instance? BTW, of course, the company I did the exchange with is no answering my emails and can't seem to find a phone number for them.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Did a banner exchange, now Getty is fining me? , 12/12/08, by Mike A.
- Re: Did a banner exchange, now Getty is fining me? , 8/03/10, by Bob R/CA.