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    Posted by SARAH A on 4/15/07


    My name is Sarah A. I am a 20 year old student in southern
    california. During my years 17-20 I was visiting an artist
    web site on major record label SONY MUSIC.

    Being a writter I had posted many poems on that particular
    artist web site. I had been banned from that web site
    shortly after posting my poetry. 3 months later I had
    realized a different artist had taken all my poems word
    for word including the titles and used it in their new cd
    that is now mainstream and #2 in europe.

    Nobody beleives me , but I later realized I havent even
    posted them on the site, I only posted one. The artist
    actually had to hack into my computer to get that
    information. I then realized my computer had crashed
    shortly after the visit to the site.

    Needles to say what is happening here, I am not a lawyer
    and I dont know how to get my poems back!! They are
    personal to me and I feel degraded by what had happened.

    I am still trying to find the hard drive, but I have the
    one with all the poems. My questions are : What do I need
    to do to get my rights back, and can I sue the artist for
    fraud by putting their name on my lyrics? Also how do I
    obtain my records of post on the message board from sony?
    If they did hack into my computer to obtain my poetry ,
    what can I do to deffend myself againt them.

    ps. I am serious , I need to know the answers. My email is Please do not reply unless you
    beleive my story whole heartedly!!

    Thank you

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  • MESSAGE BOARDS, 4/15/07, by SARAH A.

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