Post: Fair use vs CR infringment?

Posted by Tony S on 7/10/07
Hi all.
As an artist am i allowed to paint an "Original"
painting/drawing of a copywritten character and sell
that "Original" art?
Am i by law allowed to display that art on my website as a
representation of my abilities and artistic talent.
Now...keep in talking about a 1 of. Not prints
and or reproductions of my art. Just the original art
itself. A one of a kind.
Example....I do a painting of Lady Death which is a
copywritten Char. and i sell said art on ebay.
Later down the road the owner sees my site and demands i
remove the pix af my "original" art that are in likness of
his copywritten char IE Lady Death.
Keep in mind...this is not art based on existing art. but
it is a likness of a existing char. The scene depicting
Lady Death that i painted is totaly original and NOT based
off of any prior published work.
Where in this do i have a legal leg to stand on if any at
Thx for any help guys.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Fair use vs CR infringment?, 7/10/07, by Tony S.
- Re: Fair use vs CR infringment?, 9/01/07, by Tony S.
- Re: Fair use vs CR infringment?, 9/30/07, by Darius A. Marzec, Esq..