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    Re: non support Felonies?

    Posted by mario on 3/16/06

    Statute of Limitation......let me understand this correctly.
    Statute of limitation is the time alotted to actually persue
    charges. I.E I was "sexually assaulted" I didn't report it
    until five years later. Now my understanding is that i would
    have six years to file before or I would not be able to file

    The legal amount of time in which a victim/survivor has to
    bring criminal charges or a civil suit against a perpetrator
    is called the "statute of limitations."

    Felony Cases: The statute of limitations is six years, unless
    the victim is an out-of-state resident.
    Criminal Cases: Felony cases involving the sexual assault of
    a child must be commenced before age 31.

    Misdemeanor Cases must be commenced within three years of the

    Now, once the charges are filed they can persue as long as
    it takes to bring to justice.
    So, if I committed a the crime 10 years ago and the
    charges are still pending I can still be prosecuted. Is there
    no limit until the charges can be dismissed?

    On 3/15/06, mario wrote:
    > Im inquiring about my brother who lives in TX. He has not
    > made any payments for child support for over 10 years in
    > the state of WIsconsin. He owes well over 100k plus has two
    > pending charges. These charges are again well over 10 years
    > old. One is for Domestic (second degree sexual assault) is
    > what they listed as. They were living together at the time
    > and do have kids together. The other is "theft by contract"
    > a job he never finished due to an aguement with customer,
    > from my understanding he didn't go back. (still should over
    > at least finished job my opinion), but never the less this
    > too is considered a felony charge. During this 10 years of
    > non payments and "pending charges" he has been questioned
    > in TX about this and taken into custody,but always let go
    > because this was more than "2" states away so Wisconsin did
    > not persue in getting him. What is the statue of
    > limitations on charges like this? Can child support be
    > dropped? None of the women he has children with do not want
    > anything to do with him. What can I do in Wiscosnin to help
    > him now. He is (might) be on his way here , now TX told him
    > that Wisconsin is going to persue legally. I hope this all
    > works out for him, but any advise would very helpfull.
    > Email
    > mario

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • non support Felonies?, 3/15/06, by mario .
  • Re: non support Felonies?, 3/16/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: non support Felonies?, 3/16/06, by mario.
  • Re: non support Felonies?, 3/17/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: non support Felonies?, 3/31/06, by Carol.

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