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    Post: sex with a minor

    Posted by judi on 5/27/07

    My son went with a group from people where there was
    drinking and minor females reportedly grabbing his crotch
    and he had sex with a 16, now 17 (six months later) and is
    in jail on Sex assault of a child (only charge in Texas -
    not statutory rape.

    My son has a mental disability, learning delayed and
    testing report recently says he has the mental awareness
    of a teenager.

    I don't approve this; but, am a recently trained
    paralegal, am disabled recovering from auto accident, no
    funds - got him a ct-apptd attorney - talked to several
    witnesses, tried to get police reports - withheld until
    approved release at higher level they said because it
    involves a child.

    The resources I located state that second degree felony is
    when the 'child' is younger then 16, that the 'age gap' is
    a major component, that when only three years sentence not
    as severe, etc.

    He is hearing impaired, learning disabled and currently
    diagnosed with major depression.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • sex with a minor, 5/27/07, by judi.

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