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    Re: Ed Brown

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. on 4/23/06

    Dear Navy Mom,

    First of all, you are a great writer! Secondly, I know how
    proud you must be of your Navy son, for I have one myself.
    My son graduated from Annapolis in Mechanical Engineering,
    and he is a great guy! Before long he will be the "Fire
    Chief" on the Aircraft Carrier the U.S.S. TEDDY ROOSEVELT.
    At age twenty-four, as a Lt. Jr. Grade, he was the Navigator
    of a guided missile destroyer. Following that he was the
    Chief Engineer of another large destroyer; and followignthat
    he was the Executive Officer of a Minesweeper plying the
    waters of the Pesian Gulf. I got to take a trip on a ship
    with him one time for a "father-son" cruise, and I was
    extremely proud; not only of him, but of every man on that
    ship. I did not hear a one gripe nor complaint, like I used
    to hear when I was in the Army National Guard. Again, you
    are one of the best writers that I have ever seen on an
    internet web-site. Keep up the good work! Congratulations on
    having rearing such a fine son and credit to our nation. I
    am an old Army man myself and was always kind of anti-Navy;
    but when my son got appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy,
    that all changed. Now I am all "Go Navy!" Again, keep up
    the good work!


    Lt. Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    Lake Charles, LA

    P.S.: My son outranks me, for he is now a Lt. Commander,
    the same as a Major in the Army.

    On 4/04/06, Navy Mom wrote:
    > I've known Ed Brown since I was a little girl and have
    > always had nothing but the utmost respect for the man. I
    > find SF's post concerning Ed far more accurate. As for a
    > dislike of the military, I have failed to ever notice that
    > as well. My son is in the Navy and as long as I've known
    > Ed, he's never been anything but respectful of the
    > military. I grew up in Jacksonville, but now live
    > approximately 60 miles away. But my family is still in
    > Jacksonville, so visit there quite often. Also, until a
    > few months ago I was working in Jacksonville. You may see
    > my next words as a disrepect for the military, but that
    > isn't my intentions. My intention is to give a possible
    > reason as to why you may perceive him as anti-military.
    > Most of the Marines (and sailors) stationed at Camp Lejune
    > are young and for many of them it is their first time away
    > from home. They have freedoms they may not have had at
    > home. I've seen that myself with my son during his short
    > military career already. And I am not blind to the fact
    > that young people sometimes like to kick it up and party a
    > little bit. I was never allowed to go into the downtown
    > districts of Jacksonville when I lived home because of the
    > fact so many young Marines were hanging out in that area
    > and on most nights there was always some kind of trouble
    > even if it was only a fight. I do remember once having a
    > young man I was out with one evening drive me through
    > there because I had heard about some of the things that
    > went on, on the then famous "Court Street". The area was
    > crawling with prostitutes and Marines all over an area of
    > nothing but strip clubs. Of course back then, the legal
    > drinking age was 18. It was like entering an entirely
    > different world. Even though my date at the time was with
    > me, prostitutes would walk right up to the car (the doors
    > were definitely locked) and ask him if he wanted to have a
    > party. Take a look around you while driving through
    > Jacksonville. Almost all of Jacksonville is military.
    > The place is literally crawling with them. There are very
    > few that are actually natives. So, it stands to reason
    > that since the majority of the population is military,
    > then they will be singled out from time to time. As for
    > accusing the officer's wife of being a prostitute,
    > stranger things have happened. As I said, I worked in
    > Jacksonville until recently. I was employed at
    > Convergys. One thing that completely amazed me while I
    > was working there was the amount of young women that quit
    > their jobs soon after their husbands' deployments to go
    > to "better" jobs they'd found as strippers.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Ed Brown, 4/04/06, by Navy Mom.
  • Re: Ed Brown, 4/23/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Ed Brown, 5/05/06, by SgtMaj McKinny.
  • Re: Ed Brown, 5/07/06, by NucProjTech.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1984, 5/14/06, by The New Gy-Ski.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1984, 5/14/06, by 1stSgt Hammond (USMC Retired).
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1974, 5/26/06, by Tommy Pollard's Ex-Partner.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1975 to 1992, 6/04/06, by BCNR (Bureau For Correction Of Navy Records) Clerk.
  • Re: Ed Brown, 6/18/06, by Carlene Berdice (Sgt, USMC Med Ret.).
  • Re: Ed Brown, 7/27/06, by damn yankee.
  • Re: Ed Brown, 8/08/06, by Pizza City.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1975 to 1992, 11/17/06, by that damn Yankee.
  • Re: Ed Brown, 11/18/06, by that damn Yankee.
  • Re: Ed Brown, 11/18/06, by Looking for the truth.
  • Re: Ed Brown, 11/18/06, by Looking for the Truth.
  • Re: Ed Brown, 12/07/06, by Steve Blonske.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1975 to 1992, 12/09/06, by Steve Blonske.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1975 to 1992, 12/11/06, by btr.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1975 to 1992, 12/15/06, by Steve Blonske.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1975 to 1992, 1/17/07, by Bill.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1975 to 1992, 2/12/07, by deb.
  • Re: Ed Brown Circa 1975 to 1992, 3/20/07, by Steve Blonske.

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